Does being a good friend mean you have to bend over backwards for someone and do everything that they ask you to do, or can you just slide by with just listening to them whenever they need a shoulder to cry on.
I have had man friendships in the past and I only still talk to a select few and thats because I can actually relate to them. All of the others pretended that they cared, and to pretended to actually want to help out when in the end, all they were really doing was keeping tabs on what good they did for you.
Am I supposed to keep tabs on everything good I did for you, so that whenever we argue or I need something from you, I can throw it in your face what I did. I don't think thats fair and I have never done anything like that. But, maybe I should start because that seems to be the in thing now-a-days.
Some of my friends usually complain about how I am or how they think I act around my family, but in the end if they are complaining about me then they really aren't as close to me as I thought they were.
In the end all I can do is be myself and if none of my friends like it then there is really no need for us to be friends. Because to me friendship is always caring about that person no matter what, not doing "nice" things just so you can get something in return, and not complaining about that person to your family all the time making them out to be the worst person in the world.