Saturday, March 7, 2009

Meaning of Life

What is the meaning of life?

Even better what are we living for?

We spend most of our lives going to school and then whenever we finally finish school we spend the rest of our lives working. It all just seems pointless in the end because for some its impossible to get ahead and stay ahead. Just when you finally have enough to actually enjoy life its snatched from your fingertips. 

Now a days its particularly hard to enjoy the simple things because everybody is struggling to make ends meet. Most would say that we are living life just to please the one and only, yet and still others say that life is one big party and since you only live once you should just do whatever you can to have fun. 

But, in the end all this really ends up getting you is more stress and more troubles. 
So again what are we living for?


  1. I think that only you can answer your question. Everyone has a different reason for getting out of bed every morning and doing those things we are required to do (go to class, work, etc.). Some people live their lives, like you said, to have one big party. Other people live their lives in order to effect some change for the positive in our world. I personally live my life and do all of the things I would rather not do (ie. go to class, clean the house, go to work, cook dinner, etc.) because I look at each day as a gift. I am always striving to be a better daughter, friend, fiancee, student, and citizen than I was yesterday. Don't get me wrong there are some days that I wake up and think what is this all for but on those days I try to remember that life is short and you have no way of knowing beforehand when your time is up.

    Good luck and let me know if you figure everything out!

  2. What she said! We either live to work or work to live. I think I go with the second.

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226
